Episode 27: 《小团圆》应该销毁吗?

‘There were two Josef Hofmanns. There was the Josef Hofmann who recorded in a studio who knew that the performance would live on after him. Then there was the Josef Hofmann who played to an audience in a concert hall. There he would play as his master Anton Rubinstein did in a style that Hofmann knew might not be looked upon favorably by future generations. I doubt that he ever thought that those live recordings would become available to the public. Thankfully, they were.’—YouTube 用户 Beckmesser2,二零零八

(本期内容为 Josef Hofmann 一九三八年在费城柯蒂斯音乐学院 Casimir Hall 演奏的萧邦《第四叙事曲》尾声。点这里听完整版。)
